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За Антония на Няколко Езика | Behind the braids

Ето какво се крие зад плитките.

На английкси, български, испански, френски, руски и отговор от една дума на немски.

  1. Write about your name. What does it mean? АНТОНИЯ I don’t have a specific name story but I do know that my parents want me to have both a long name and a nickname, so they called me Antonia and as for a nickname – Tony. The name means “priceless”(and I completely agree with that hahah) and has a Roman origin.

  2. When and where were you born? I was born on Saturday night 26 of September 1998 in a city right next to ours - Stara Zagora.

  3. Write about your mom. Мама е зодия рак. Знае колко много обичам мусака и всеки път, когато се прибирам след дълго отсъствие ми я приготвя. Знае колко много обичам шапки и винаги щом види някоя, която нямам, a много искам, ми я купува. След всеки мой провал в кухнята не пропуска да се посмее с мен. Всяка сутрин, в която се събуждам вкъщи, не пропуска целувката по челото. А когато съм далеч, винаги намира начин да ми изпрати любимите шоколадови бонбони.

  4. Write about your dad. Тати е зодия дева. Знае колко много обичам работата си и цяло лято обикаля с мен неуморно по срещи и събития, въпреки че трябваше да ставаме рано и да минава километри разстояния. Всеки път, когато трябваше да взимам важно решение ме съветваше, но и ми даваше шанс сама да направя голямата крачка.

  5. Do you have any siblings? Nosotros somos una familia grande y soy muy agradecido para esto – tengo dos hermanas mayores.

  6. Where did you grow up? What do you remember from that place? I’m so lucky to have the chance to grow up in a small town, perfect neighborhood, and most importantly in a house. I do remember pretty much all of it – playing around, having lots of pets, running through the grass spots and having my dad angry for that most of the time hahaha.

  7. Think about your house growing up. What was it like? Променяща се всяка година, понеже моя баща е изключително изобретателен, градината ни вкъщи менеше визията си често.

  1. What was your childhood bedroom like? GIRLY. So much pink. Too much pink. Even the door was pink.

  2. What was your favorite activity as a child? Grabbing my mom’s hair brush and pretending to be a hoster. I was standing right in front of the TV and repeating every word they say. And usually my mom was both the crowd and the group of fans. Except that I was really inlove with puzzles.

  3. What was your favorite place as a child? When you walk into my room(that once used to be the bedroom) turn right, there is my bed. Well, that’s my all time favorite spot.

  4. Who were your friends as a child? Oh, well. We were the kids of the hood. We were the cool ones. Like the ones you’ve seen on TV. We had the barbies, we had the gansters, we had the stupid ones and the smarties. We were a solid 15 crazy kids gang.

  5. Did you travel as a child? What were your favorite places to visit? Ravda. My parents used to travel there every summer for 2-3 years when I was 5 and I still remember all those late nights playing with my friends there till midnight(it was a thing then). And I still like to go back there just because it really feels like my place.

  1. What did a typical day look like as a child? Super energetic. I was going back home only to eat and sleep and to drink water during the hot days.

  2. What did a typical day look like as a teen? ТРЪБАТА. Моите хора знаят къде точно е това. Ами, ето там ни минаваха дните. Всеки път, когато се сетя и усмивката се появява автоматично на лицето ми. Нека ти обясня – това е тръба, такава циментена, сива, килната до една от оградите, най-обикновена на пръв поглед. Да, ама не. Тази обикновената тръба за нас е съкровище. Преди девет години майките ни(на мен и още три момичета) ни събраха точно на това място и буквално ни принудиха да се запознаем, за да си играем. Принудените решихме, че трябва да си намерим още приятели, за да не сме само момичета, беше ни ясно, че ще се изпокараме. Така в приключението, което и ти си изживял наречено детство, въвлякохме още около 10-12 потърпевши, чиито дупета мръзнеха на циментена тръба до 10:20. Защо мръзнеха? Ами от проклетите турнири на макао винаги излизахме равни, а това си беше безобразие, все трябваше да има един победител, а и слънчогледа си го биваше, стотинките ни отиваха само за него. Защо 10:20? Ами вечерния ни час беше до 10:30, разделяхме се 10 минути по-рано, за да трупаме точки и накрая на лятото да ни пуснат една вечер до 12часа. Може ли някой да ме върне пак на тръбата, мисля че ми се намират около 50 стотинки, точно за едно пакетче семки...

  3. What was high school like for you? Мeilleures années de ma vie jusque là.

  1. What was your favorite teen movie? HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL – ZAC EFRON CRUSH HERE

  2. Write about your grandparents. I was unlucky to have only my mom’s mother alive when being born, but the luckiest as well because my granny is the cutest. All those long phone call teaching me how to cook rice or just making sure I’m back home save, or even calling me out of nowhere to ask me if I’m having a boyfriend now or not and giving me advices. She really is one of my besties. Momma knows a lot but granny knows everything.

  3. Write about your aunts. Мои тети сильнийшие женщины, самые авантюрных.

  4. Write about your uncles. Just the most caring ones.

  5. Write about your cousins. I have loooooots of them.

  6. Write about your earliest school memory. Being 1st grader and wanting so bad to be the teacher’s helper at class.

  7. What was your favorite subject in school? The subjects after school – all the extracurricular activities.

  8. What was your favorite teacher as a child? One who disappointed me later.

  9. Did you move as a child? No.

  10. Who taught you to drive? Well, no one YET.

  11. What was your favorite food as a child? Frozen juice, all the kids my age know what I’m talking about.

  12. Write about your most memorable birthday. MY EPIC 18TH BIRTHDAY. I didn’t even expect it to be that crazy. I woke up and went straight to the place I left a tshirt to get done (I had one that says “legally drunk” on the front side and on the back “antonia 18”). I knew that the day ahead had something for me because I have the craziest friends but when we met to go to school together they gave me a gift and I thought that was all. Well, little did I know. I went to school, had classes and after them me and one of the girls from the squad were heading out of the building and BAM. There was a car waiting for me in front of the school. It wasn’t a gift obviously (I can’t drive YET). It was a taxi that was decorated with my name and 18 all over, balloons were everywhere, had a big jar of nutella, and a special drive to home with this car, the music that was coming out of it was insanely loud and not only that but when I got back home with the girl gang another gift was waiting for me. At that time I was really obsessed with lanterns, so they got me one and we let it go as a symbol of our friendship, my mom was made the cutest cake, so we did blew the candles too. I had two other surprises during the day from my special ones. On the next day I wake up to a delivery from two cuties across Bulgaria. Miss them so much. Friday night, same week, was the huge celebration with home party, big cake and super duper much of the girl drama we bring with us wherever we go. Memories will always make us laugh.

  1. How do you typically celebrate your birthday? Primero con mi familia y después con mis familiars.

  2. Write about your favorite holiday memory. Every Easter me and my parents go on a family trip.

  3. What was the hardest part about growing up? Finding myself.

  4. What was the best part about growing up? Finding myself.

  5. When did you first leave home? Write about that experience. Less than 24 hours after my 19th birthday. I didn’t even had the chance to celebrate it the way I wanted because I had to pack pretty much my whole room and prepare for the new journey ahead. It was bitter sweet and super emotional. I can’t say that I would relive this exact moment but for sure am so thankful for the place I have right now and for all the opportunities.

  6. What do your parent work? My mom is an accountant and my dad is a carpenter.

  7. What was your first job? First illegal one – as a hair stylist. First legal one – something in between journalism and PR.

  8. What is your favorite family story? The wedding of my youngest cousin last summer at a mountain spot where there was no connection with the world – no wifi, no TV signal, no phone service. Nothing but all of us - the la familia. Two beautiful days of celebration. Dances, Bulgarian food, old fashion music only, going in to the woods to pick up flowers for the bride’s bouquet, playing around with the kids, I had even the chance to make the bride’s hair. So pretty. Didn’t want it to end.

  9. Are there any funny stories that have been passed down through the generations? Write one. How my parents both can’t hide a secret when it comes to relatives smoking and hiding it from their parents.

  10. What were you most proud of as a child? Pretty much never lost on hide and seek.

  11. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you become it? Художник. КАКВО СЪМ СИ ВЪОБРАЗЯВАЛА?

  12. Who inspired you as you matured? The life itself as a journey.

  13. What job has been your favorite? Definitely the one I’m working right now – lots of writing, a little bit of marketing, a little bit of event management, a little bit of meetings here and there, a little bit of fashion – everything I love in one.

  14. What was the best part of your childhood years? Not having computer.

  15. What was the best part of your 20s? Having computer and using it the right way.

  16. Are you in a relationship? No.

  17. Did you have any boyfriend as a youth? Yeah, it such a beautiful and crazy journey.

  18. Do you have any pets? Of cooooourse, a dog – Harry (I’m not a fan of Harry Potter, I haven’t even watched the series YES, I just really like that name) and the most adorable and lazy cat of the world Sarah (this pretty lady is living in outside and this gave her the chance to do this and that with other cats and gave birth at least 15 times to 4-5 kittens each time, yeah, she’s good at that)

  19. What are you most proud of as an adult? Never stopping myself to do whatever my heart wants.

  20. Where is the most fascinating place you’ve visited? I still haven’t visited it.

  21. What is the one thing about today that you never want to forget? An opportunity i was given to show who I really am.

  22. What item will you cross off of your bucket list? Zara stripped pants.

  23. What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t take yourself for granted, kid.

Последните няколко месеца имах възможността да представя всичко писано тук на хора от всякакви сфери. Почти всеки един сблъсък на блога с реалността е последван от объркани погледи. "Пишеш на английски, а не на български?" Пиша на чужд език, в частност английски, не защото не обичам родината си и съм поредния заблуден и отчаяно мечтаещ за запада. Повярвай ми, ако знаех испански бих писала само и единствено на него. Уви, език не се учи току-така. А пиша точно на английски, поради простичката причина, че това е начин да достигна до възможно най-много от вас. Ако имаш блог и тракинг карта към него, то сам ще знаеш какво е чувството да виждаш все повече и повече от червените мигащи точици. Още по-хубаво е, когато започнеш да ги виждаш не само на картата на собствената си държава, но и на тази на света. Английският език се оказа чудесен канал за достигане до все повече от вас.

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Never stop following your heart and whatever sets your soul on fire, no matter how much it takes. If you go to sleep with a smile it's all worth it.


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